Bobby Pullin
“Success is earned, not given.”
This phrase is one you will hear quite frequently from Robert “Bobby” Pullin.
Bobby’s life proves that his successes have been earned. He also admits that his struggles have come because of his own poor choices. Bobby joined the Army in 1975. He fought in Vietnam. After serving the United States proudly in the Army and the Army National Guard for several years, Bobby was honorably discharged from both branches of service.
After his military service, Bobby found himself making choices that did not help him succeed. He called himself a “daredevil.” Fast cars were his nemesis. This lifestyle did not work well for a man married with children. Bobby and his wife eventually split, and he turned to alcohol. He changed jobs frequently and in time lost his driver’s license.
While in the Army, Bobby had spent time in Missouri for his basic training and AIT. He enjoyed the area and felt that to succeed perhaps a permanent move to Missouri was just what he needed. In 1999, Bobby made Missouri his home.
Life in Missouri was not without its challenges. Poor choices, alcohol, and a son that he does not have contact with have caused many issues for Bobby. Though not easy, Bobby knew that in order to succeed and “right the wrongs” in his life, he needed to pull himself up and work toward the one thing he so desperately desires—seeing his son again.
In 2018, Bobby visited the VA clinic where he received information on the New Pathways for Good Dads program. After a time, he enrolled in NPGD. It was not always smooth sailing, but when Bobby realized that Good Dads was willing to help, he jumped in with both feet!
Bobby is earning his success. He says, “New Pathways for Good Dads has given him a positive outlook. A person just needs to be willing to take the steps to move forward.”
He is not letting his mistakes define him. There have been many successes in Bobby’s life. He has five journeyman certificates in various trades and one culinary degree. Bobby has a huge heart, he is always willing to help others in need, and he volunteers one day a week at the Good Dads office to give back to the organization that has invested in him. He has completed New Pathways for Good Dads and graduated from the program in July.
Bobby said, “Good Dads has been a blessing to me. The facilitators, the classes, the food, the classmates, and the case managers have all been great!”
Bobby still has not been able to reconnect with his son or get his driver’s license back, but he is not giving up hope. He knows that he needs to earn his success; it will not be given to him. Keep striving Bobby. With your determination, we are sure that you will achieve your goals!
About the Author
Rhonda Andersen is a retired educator who joined the team in 2018. As the Director of Training & Education, she assists in training NPGD facilitators and manages the Good Dads headquarters.