Charlie Romine
If you were to meet Charlie today, you might think, “That guy has it all together; he gets to see his kids, he has a great job, he’s working on a college degree, and he’s good looking!” Those things may be true, but it has not always been that way.
When Charlie was a child, his childhood experiences were not those of a child who has it all. Charlie was a ward of the state and experienced a failed adoption. There was abuse, neglect, drugs, and parties in his life.
When he was 17, Charlie dropped out of high school and ran away from the foster care system with his pregnant girlfriend. That relationship ended horribly.
Charlie was in prison three times. After his third imprisonment, he decided that things needed to change. He was losing his rights to his children, and he felt that he had very little hope.
Charlie found Victory Mission. He enrolled in every class that he was eligible to attend. These classes included the New Pathways for Good Dads Fatherhood Development Course and the Within My Reach relationship class.
Charlie has earned his HiSet and is currently attending Ozark Technical College, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science with a 4.0 GPA. Victory Mission awarded Charlie an apprenticeship where he is helping to lead the long-term recovery program with the potential to continue his career at the Mission upon his graduation.
Charlie states, “I have been able to spend time snuggled up to my children and take them to my church where I help lead the Tech Department. Life is amazing! I am in love with Jesus, and I could not have done any of this on my own!”
About the Author
Rhonda Andersen is a retired educator who joined the team in 2018. As the Director of Training & Education, she assists in training NPGD facilitators and manages the Good Dads headquarters.