Cody Pickens

If you were to have the pleasure of talking to Cody on the phone today, you would probably agree that you can almost “hear” Cody smile!

Cody’s voice and positivity are infectious. The joy of the Lord shines in his eyes. Unfortunately, life has not always been this way for Cody. Cody grew up in a broken home in a small Missouri town. His mother and grandmother raised him. He attended the same school from kindergarten through 12th grade.  Cody participated in many school activities, including basketball and baseball.

At the age of 14, Cody began smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol. Before long, he was addicted and experimenting with harder drugs. After Cody graduated from high school, he went to work at the shipyard in Caruthersville, MO. Here, he was introduced to opiate painkillers. This addiction lasted for more than 10 years. Cody was eventually fired from the shipyard for failing a drug test.

After being fired, Cody found a job delivering pizzas. At this job, he met the woman that he would marry and be the mother for his child. Cody tried to hide his addiction, but like addiction does, it reared its ugly head. Cody was in and out of rehab. Nothing seemed to work.

After a short marriage, Cody and his wife divorced—his daughter was barely one year old. Cody tried rehab again. He spent the next year at the Army Church in Branson. Things went well for a time. However, there was still something missing in Cody’s life, and again he relapsed. During this relapse, Cody was sent to prison for 120 days for stealing vehicles.

Upon his release, he returned to Branson for another attempt at rehabilitation. By this time, it was 2016. Cody had not seen or talked to his daughter in more than two years. Cody relapsed again. Again, he was sent to prison for vehicle theft involving a police chase and assault on an officer.Cody spent the next year in the Department of Corrections.

Upon his release, Cody made Victory Mission his home plan. Through the Restoration Program at Victory Mission, Cody rededicated his life to Christ and has not looked back! That was December 5, 2018. Since then Cody has been in contact with his daughter’s mother. He started writing letters to his daughter each week. His ex-wife saw that he was serious in his desire to restore his relationship with his daughter. She has since given their daughter all of Cody’s letters and allowed her to write to Cody.

After two months of back-and-forth letters, Cody and his daughter had their first phone conversation in many years. Cody was prepared for a short, one-sided conversation. But, to his surprise, the conversation lasted over one hour! The next week their second phone conversation lasted for two hours! When Cody tells this story, this is when you can “hear” him smile!

Cody stated, “This is a process, but it is worth every minute. I am so excited for the day to come when I can see her and hug her again!” Cody is working full-time at SMC. He bought a vehicle just before Christmas. He serves faithfully at Freedom City Church on the Administration and Hospitality teams. Cody is a graduate of the New Pathways for Good Dads program and a soon-to-be graduate of the Victory Mission Restoration program.

Through it all, Cody exclaimed, “God is on the move!”

About the Author

Rhonda Andersen is a retired educator who joined the team in 2018. As the Director of Training & Education, she assists in training NPGD facilitators and manages the Good Dads headquarters.