About Us

Fathers are critical for healthy families, happy children and thriving communities—but dads are often underestimated and under-appreciated. This stigma is particularly evident in the lack of father-focused programs in the US. Good Dads is the only organization in Missouri solely focused on increasing father engagement among fathers and children. We know how important fathers are, and we are committed to making sure this integral element of the family is not ignored, but rather, is encouraged and celebrated.

Who We

When men are empowered, resourced and encouraged to become Good Dads, everyone wins.

Good Dads is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, with chapters throughout the state. We encourage fathers through inspiration, resources and events to help them be the best dads they can be. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire, resource and encourage all fathers to be more involved in the lives of their children.

Our Vision

We aim to build better communities by promoting engaged fatherhood. The three key ingredients for a great place to live are robust economies, safe neighborhoods and strong schools. But a community without engaged fathers can’t hope to have any of these! When we foster responsible fatherhood, kids do better in school; relationships have less friction; crime rates decrease; economies flourish; people of all socio-economic levels are healthier and happier. It’s clear that dads are a critical piece of the puzzle.

When we foster
responsible fatherhood...

  • kids do better in school
  • relationships have less friction
  • crime rates decrease
  • economies flourish
  • people of all socio-economic levels are healthier and happier.

It’s clear that dads are a critical piece of the puzzle.

We Do

Good Dads believes a holistic approach to community engagement is the only way to reach all fathers. We achieve our mission as we…

  • Serve at-risk fathers through our New Pathways for Good Dads program, enabling them to overcome challenges to engaged fatherhood, get better jobs, pay child support and build and maintain meaningful relationships.
    • Dads enrolled in New Pathways…
      • Are less likely to commit crimes or recidivate 
      • Are more likely to stay sober 
      • Are more likely to attain and maintain stable employment and residence in their communities 
      • Pay more in monthly child support 
      • Are more likely to be present in the lives of their children through visits and/or custody
  • Host Strong Schools events using our monthly before-school breakfast program with low-tech, tactile activities designed to spark connection among fathers and their kids in an elementary school setting. 
  • Create a huge library of web resources, including podcasts, conversation starters, mental health resources, blogs, child support advice and more. 
  • Spread the Good Dads vision through our Chapter network with Good Dads Great Communities, a course designed to help communities assess the needs of fathers in their area as they work to establish their own Good Dads chapter
  • Provide workplace benefits via our Fundamentals for Good Dads course, perfect for working dads who want to connect with their kids, and Good Dads Over the Road, for trucking fathers. We also partner with the business community to reach even more dads. 
  • Develop and support events and opportunities for dads to be more engaged with their children.
  • Resource and train groups who wish to be more effective in their work with fathers.

Who We

Good Dads is for all dads—because any dad can be a great parent. All he needs are the right tools. All fathers, despite different upbringings, experiences, barriers and strengths, have the capacity to be Good Dads. We’re here to encourage, equip and empower all dads to be the best parents they can be. 

At Good Dads, we serve biological fathers, stepdads, granddads and father-figures.

Meet Our Team

Discover who’s helping kids and communities one dad at a time.

Meet Our Business
Partners & Learn
How Your Organization
Can Help

Our History

Established in 2015, Good Dads believes in the benefits of father engagement to communities. We started as a small group of community leaders who recognized that fathers were often overlooked in the family unit, despite their involvement being critical to the health and wellbeing of their children.

More than 18 million children in the US (about 1 in 4) live without their father in the home. These children are more at an increased risk for…

  • Poor school performance 
  • Mental and physical health problems, including suicide 
  • Poverty and poor living circumstances
  • Exposure to crime, addiction and neglect
  • Dysfunctional relationships and risky sexual activity
  • Increased criminal behavior
  • Limited labor force success

These social ills can be minimized with positive father involvement.

To date, Good Dads has… 



dads of elementary students in
four school districts in Southwest Missouri

Served more than


fathers in our
New Pathways program

Recovered more than

$3 million

in child support payments for the Missouri Department of Social Services–Family
Support Division

Created and maintained a network of resources for dads with


podcasts, blogs, conversation
starters and more

Expanded with more than


class locations
throughout Missouri

Establishing new chapters statewide with


communities joining
the Good Dads network

Frequently Asked Questions

Get in Touch with
Good Dads

We want to hear from you! Our staff is here to answer your questions.