Good Dads Blog

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Good Dads sat down with two teens who shared their experiences on what it's like being behind the wheel with their dad as the instructor....

This week we’re reaching back into the Good Dads archives to bring you a blogpost from Deron Smith, a professor, pastor and father. While Deron originally wrote this back in 2015, we think the topics he covers are just as topical today! I was sitting at my computer working away on some project, when one of my daughter’s came in the room and started telling about a something she and her friends had done together...

Arm yourself with knowledge and empathy to be better prepared to support your daughter during her first period...

The time of the year that every parent loves has arrived! It’s back to school time! Dads (and moms) are happy to get the kiddos out of the house (and their hair) for the day. Clothes, school supplies, and other necessities have been obtained. Mission accomplished – right? Well, maybe not so fast. While the start of school for “tweenagers” (children between the ages of 8-12) isn’t a new experience for them, it can still...

One of my favorite quotes is: “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” What a true statement! Being in education for 20+ years, I’ve certainly seen this phrase played out. For years I’ve watched in amazement when a new student comes to the school—and how quickly they gravitate to like-minded people. Birds of a feather tend to flock together. As a parent, making sure that your kids are around the right people...

Logan, now a high school athlete, first experienced the transformative power of sports at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield. He vividly recalls stepping onto the basketball court at six or seven years old. What began as a simple game with friends has evolved into a life-changing experience, shaping him into the person he is today and teaching invaluable life lessons. Youth sports, ongoing physical activity, and the positive experiences they provide can play...

A Missouri father of three shares his joys and challenges of raising two teenage boys during his recovery journey....

Good Dads hosted its first-ever Chapter Orientation event on Wednesday, July 17, and it was a real hit! With our increased focus on expansion, aimed at reaching more dads throughout Missouri than was previously possible, we know that building relationships and empowering a community to take ownership of a Good Dads initiative is critical. We are so grateful to the community leaders—some of whom travelled quite a ways—to attend an all-day orientation and learn about...

The Growing Good Dads Blog features some curated content from online resources. This post originally appeared on the Institute for Family Studies website and was not written by Good Dads staff.  The following essay is adapted from the author’s speech at The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship’s (ARC) 2023 Conference in London.  The causes of the epidemic of mental illness in children and adolescents are multi-variable. The solution is a puzzle with many pieces and many players. There is a...

“Hold my hand, daddy. I’m scared.” “Watch this, daddy. Watch me jump in the pool. Did you see the splash I made?” “Did you see me hit that ball, Dad? Were you watching when I hit that homerun?” Why is having our attention so important to children? Why do small children, especially, remind us over and over to “watch me?” Why do they crawl up in our laps and grab our hands? What is it...

This month on the Growing Good Dads blog, we’re diving into the ways you can be a good dad to preteens. Children at this age are in a period of growth and discovery: they’re learning who they are and figuring out their passions by becoming more independent. On recent episodes of the Good Dads podcast, father of two and football coach Frank Tristan joined us to talk about the balance between parenting and coaching, as...

If your child is entering the public education system (maybe for the first time), you probably wondering how to make sure it’s a success. I understand, and I am in the same boat as a dad of a preschooler. I’ve done my share of research on making my son’s leap into elementary school go smoothly, and here’s three things I’ve learned: Model Social Behaviors that You Want to See This may seem obvious, but children...