New Pathways Progress Report
Last Monday, we sent out an important progress report on the New Pathways for Good Dads program. As we celebrate
Last Monday, we sent out an important progress report on the New Pathways for Good Dads program. As we celebrate
If your child is entering the public education system (maybe for the first time), you probably wondering how to make sure it’s a success. I understand, and I am in the same boat as a dad of a preschooler. I’ve done my share of research on making my son’s leap into elementary school go smoothly, […]
...Tonight with JD, I had a realization that children become truly mature and compassionate when they realize that, if they CAN do something, they NEED to do it for themselves. I believe we, as parents, need to encourage our kids to do things they are capable of doing on their own and only ask for […]
...This month on the Growing Good Dads blog, we’re focusing on being a good dad to kids between 6–9 years old. If you have a child this age, they’re most likely in the middle of their summer break. Because summer is the perfect time for relaxation and fun in the sun, the last thing some […]
...If you submitted a nomination for the 2024 Outstanding Dads of the Year contest this spring, thank you! We received submissions from across the Ozarks from sons and daughters, spouses, friends and neighbors, co-workers and many others who recognize the important role that dads play in the lives of their children. It’s clear that Southwest […]
...Goal Setting for Parents I strongly believe in the idea of setting goals. If you aim for nothing, you’ll get nothing every time. This concept is typically used to set personal goals, but I’m here to talk about goal setting for parents. In my experience, a lot of parenting decisions are reaction-based. What if we […]
...Suddenly the sound of a bell, horn or whistle breaks the silence. Almost immediately another set of sounds can be heard. Those whoops, sighs and moans are voices of school children, teachers and parents heralding the end of the school year. Summer vacation has arrived! Summer is a particularly important time for dads. Summer offers […]
...“This parenting class is not working,” exclaimed the frustrated father of three standing in front of me. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well,” he said, “last week my three-year-old tried to flush a jump rope down the toilet and I had to spend four hours taking the whole thing apart and putting it back […]
...When we think of toddlers, a few “T” words come to mind: Tantrums, Terrible Twos and Time-Outs. It’s no secret that these developmental years can come with challenging changes that tend to bring about the blues in parents and children alike. But there is a “reason for the season” – emotional and social development. […]
...According to Dr. Barry McCarthy, author of numerous books and articles on sexuality and marriage, when a couple’s sexual relationship is going well, it’s about 15% of the marriage. They have fun together; they solve problems effectively; and they talk like friends. On the other hand, when sex is not going well, the focus on […]
...There’s so much good information in The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell PhD and John Gray, PhD that we could
What does it mean to “show love?” Hugs, kisses, kind words, not pestering someone incessantly with questions, or telling someone,
I love being a dad! I love the relationship, the love, the hugs, and even the challenge. As the dad
A wise man once told me, “…what you practice in moderation, your children will excuse in excess.” That’s a profound
I loved my dad. He was so interesting and mysterious. He had adventure in his heart and did things I
Kevin: Over the course of many years of parental investment, I have tried to calculate whether or not my fatherhood
As a parent, for the most part, we have the ability to help and protect our children as they grow.
As parents our focus is often on ensuring our children have the right kind of friends. We arrange “play dates.”
Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. As a kid, my Mom worked very hard, and though we didn’t have
“Say you’re sorry.” Many parents instruct children to express regret for thoughtless actions to another using these words. Head down,
Good dads are not always tall, handsome, charming, or engaging. Some are short, average looking, quiet and shy. But a
You’re on the website and reading this article because you want to be a good dad. Congratulations for making this