Good Dads Blog

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Barry Kolb of Branson, Missouri, attended the Good Dads Summer Training Camp this June because he knew his church would benefit from a curriculum designed for men.  Kolb is the leader and pastor at resTore in Hollister, Missouri. He and three others launched the church earlier this year, and they call themselves the resTore Corps—comprised […]


Mark Boyd is the pastor at The Life Church in Mountain Grove, Missouri. The church serves disadvantaged populations, especially those with a history of addiction, with his mission in reconciliation.  Boyd and his church host several groups a week, including men’s groups, bible studies, Celebrating Recovery, and Within my Reach from Good Dads. These classes […]


How do you build a safe home for you and your family when you didn’t have a stable upbringing yourself? How can you be a good dad when you didn’t have positive role models growing up? How can dads use the right tools for running a family? These are the questions Good Dads 2.0 answers. […]


As a lifelong educator with 25+ years serving within public schools, I’ve seen teaching trends change from whole-group learning to targeted skill groups, from flashcards to computer programs, and from seated instruction to virtual learning.  Each trend is always striving to close the achievement, equity, and success gap between children.    However, the secret sauce component […]


It’s one of the most controversial words in education and can send fear down the spines of parents and students alike: HOMEWORK.  Educators frequently debate the merits of homework.  Research shows that homework only has a minimal educational impact on elementary students and a moderate educational impact on secondary students.  Some educators assign homework as […]


The Good Dads staff hosted its second-annual fundraising dinner Thursday, Oct. 6, with music and entertainment to celebrate the last year of growth at the nonprofit. By the end of the fundraiser, Good Dads collected just over $100,000! The entire Good Dads team is filled with gratitude for the community’s generosity. Thank you for your […]


I read all the books. I practiced swaddling on plastic dolls. I learned how to properly burp a newborn and I even watched all the videos on how to get your baby to sleep. I had no idea what I was doing, but despite this, I felt prepared when my first daughter was born.‍ Call […]


​Summer time: school’s out, the kids are home.  It’s time to travel, take vacation, hit the beach or swimming pool, and see a few ball games.  Iced tea and lemonade tastes better when served 1 degree above frozen.  The air-conditioned dimness of a bowling ally soothes you on a glaring 95-degree day.  Barbeque smoke drifts […]


At the History Museum on the Square, one of the best things to hear from young visitors are sentences beginning with I. Sentences, declared with confidence and enthusiasm, like: “I go to Phelps Grove Park with my family all the time.” “I rode a train just like this.” “I live next to that field where […]


History: Who Needs it Anyway?  Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why am I learning about this?  I’m never going to use this again!”? Me too! I thought that many times when I was younger – whether it was history or another subject.  Who cares which kings fought each other? Does it really matter to […]


This blogpost marks the second week showcasing snapshots from the Good Dads Summer Training Camp, a five-day workshop hosted earlier this month. Social workers, Good Dads facilitators, faith leaders, counselors, and many others from around the region who want to improve their working relationships with fathers gathered at The Downtown Church for a common purpose.  […]


Father’s Day is on Sunday. Today we are taking a look back at a heart-felt blog written in honor of a much-loved father. ‍ As Father’s Day approaches, I’m taking time to reflect on what my Dad taught me.  My Dad was and is a Great Dad, even though I haven’t lived under his roof […]
