Parent Involvement in Sports – Part One

Frank Tristan, head football coach at Glendale High School, father, and husband, talks about the balance of being a coach and a parent in this Part One episode.

Frank has been teaching and coaching for the last 20 years and loves the opportunity to invest in young people. He and his wife Natalie were married in 2008 and have two children, Hays and Taylor. They are regularly involved in church and love experiencing new adventures with their family. As a dad and an educator, it is easy to see how important the role of a father is in raising successful young people. When dads lead well, generations are impacted. This passion has led Frank to work with the Good Dads organization to see more families and communities impacted for good.

  • (1:32) Parents are great, they are. Most of them just want their kid to be successful.
  • (4:26) What my kids respond to is giving them honest praise on things they can control.
  • (5:05) I just tell my kids that “if you want to stop playing sports now, I still love you.”
  • (10:05) The thing you can control is your effort and attitude, so that’s how I’m gonna judge if I’m proud of you or not. 
  • (12:47) You’re not gonna bash your coach in front of me… that’s not good for the team, and you’re not gonna bash other teammates. 
  • (13:07)  The best thing a parent can do is tell the coach “thank you.”
  • (15:30): One of the things I think is always important as a coach to parent/parent to coach is talk about it in person.
  • (22:25): If you’re not sleeping on a regular basis, your body’s out of whack, you’re not gonna reach your full potential…your body’s gonna wear down.