Programs for Faith Communities
Good Dads programs are very adaptable to the faith community. Fundamentals for Good Dads is ideal for ministry for men in any church or congregational setting.
Good Dads programs are very adaptable to the faith community. Fundamentals for Good Dads is ideal for ministry for men in any church or congregational setting.
Using familiar language common to any sports lover, Fundamentals for Good Dads forges connections among fathers as they coach their families through adversity to a winning season.
The new Good Dads Great Communities course is your practical, time-tested guide for your organization as you work to establish your own father-focused initiative.
This before-school breakfast program gives dads the perfect opportunity to connect with their elementary-aged children in a school setting while diving into a fun character-building topic.
Work to achieve your fatherhood goals with New Pathways for Good Dads, featuring trainings for fatherhood skills, healthy relationships, child support, career resources, family budgeting, co-parenting and more.