Programs for

We Do

Good Dads believes a holistic approach to community engagement is the only way to reach all fathers. We achieve our mission as we…

  • Serve at-risk fathers through our New Pathways for Good Dads program, enabling them to overcome challenges to engaged fatherhood, get better jobs, pay child support and build and maintain meaningful relationships. 
    • Dads enrolled in New Pathways…
      • Are less likely to commit crimes or recidivate 
      • Are more likely to stay sober 
      • Are more likely to attain and maintain stable employment and residence in their communities 
      • Pay more in monthly child support 
      • Are more likely to maintain a positive presence in the lives of their children through visits and/or custody
  • Host Strong Schools events using our monthly before-school breakfast program with low-tech, tactile activities designed to spark connection among fathers and their kids in an elementary school setting. 
  • Create a huge library of web resources, including podcasts, conversation starters, mental health resources, blogs, child support advice and more. 
  • Spread the Good Dads vision through our Chapter network with Good Dads Great Communities, a course designed to help communities assess the needs of fathers in their area as they work to establish their own Good Dads chapter
  • Provide workplace benefits via our Fundamentals for Good Dads course, perfect for working dads who want to connect with their kids, and Good Dads Over the Road, for trucking fathers. We also partner with the business community to reach even more dads. 
  • Develop and support events and opportunities for dads to be more engaged with their children. 

Resource and train groups who wish to be more effective in their work with fathers.