Dyllan Dale

Dyllan Dale would be the first to tell you that his life has not been easy. He has made mistakes, made bad choices, hurt people and battled addiction. He would also be the first to tell you that it is truly by the grace of God that he is where he is today.

More than three years ago, Dyllan landed at Victory Mission, a Springfield, Missouri, nonprofit and ministry dedicated to breaking cycles of poverty and giving opportunities to the homeless. His destructive behavior had caught up with him, and he needed a place to get his life together. Victory Mission proved to be the place that orchestrated change for Dyllan. Fast forward to today, and Dyllan has completed the Restoration Program at Victory Mission and is currently the manager for the Victory Mission kitchen and garden.

“What a blessing this is,” Dyllan said. “I get to pour into the guys going through the Restoration program where I once was. I also lead the prayer team for the recovery service at my church, The Well.”

Dyllan has two sons, Bentley and Ezra. He knew from early on that nothing in this world would ever make him give up on wanting to be in his kid’s lives. Dyllan never knew his biological dad. He knew without a doubt that he could never do that to his kids, and he would have to be the one to break the chain of abandonment in his family. That is exactly what Dyllan is working on today.

Bentley (8) was recently diagnosed with autism. It seemed inconceivable that Bentley’s mom would ask Dyllan to drive two and half hours and spend the night at the Ronald McDonald House in Columbia, Missouri, to be at Bentley’s medical appointment in the morning. It also seemed far-fetched to think that Dyllan and Bentley’s mom would be able to continue their summer visitation schedule even when school resumes in the fall. However, that is exactly what will happen. Dyllan is an important part of Bentley’s life, and neither of them would have it any other way.

Bentley understands that his dad doesn’t have much to give in the way of material things. He receives something even greater – he gets time with his dad. Father and son were able to spend Father’s Day together at the creek. Bentley said, “It is so peaceful out here, Dad. I really like it.”

He went on to say, “Dad, can we come back every year and make this a tradition?”

Dyllan feels that Bentley is so much like him – he loves nature, long car rides through the countryside, being silly, and being inquisitive. That brings a smile to Dyllan’s face and increases the love in his heart. Unfortunately, Dyllan does not have the same involvement in Ezra’s (7) life.

Ezra’s mom is battling many of the same demons that Dyllan battled in his earlier life. She is finding it hard to give and gain trust. Dyllan is doing his best to stay humble and patient. After a year of searching, he was able to track down Ezra and his mom. Dyllan started court proceedings to be able to be a part of Ezra’s life. About a month ago, the case was closed. Dyllan and Ezra’s mom have agreed on a schedule that will coordinate with Bentley’s existing schedule.

Later this month Dyllan and Ezra will begin therapeutic visits and start their reunification. More changes are in store for Dyllan and his sons. He is engaged to a wonderful lady named Hannah. “She is sweet, kind, and special,” says Dyllan. “It warms my heart thinking about her.” They got married in October 2022. Dyllan has been through many difficulties in his life. He has endured his share of struggles.

In the end, Dyllan knows that it is all because of the amazing grace of God that he is where he is today. To that end, Dyllan says, “What an amazing life God has given me!”

To hear Dyllan share a bit about his garden project at Victory Mission, click here.

About the Author

Rhonda Andersen is a retired educator who joined the team in 2018. As the Director of Training & Education, she assists in training NPGD facilitators and manages the Good Dads headquarters.