Category Fatherhood

Teaching Good Manners

I grew up with a brother who was less than two years younger than me. We were raised by our hard working, single mother, along with equally hard working grandparents. I never really remember being taught “manners.” We kinda just…

Why I Learned From My Dad

​Kevin:  Over the course of many years of parental investment, I have tried to calculate whether or not my fatherhood has made a difference in the life of my three boys.  Being fully aware of all my weaknesses, I have…

The Value of Steady Service

​A wise man once told me, “…what you practice in moderation, your children will excuse in excess.” That’s a profound declaration, and if we conduct an honest assessment, we will find that it is an unswerving truth.  Yet, when you…

What My Dad Taught Me

I loved my dad. He was so interesting and mysterious. He had adventure in his heart and did things I wanted to do. He had been to places I wanted to see. Stories of his travels had me breathlessly hanging…