When You Lose Your Child at the State Fair
Is one really lost if they don’t know they are lost? That is a question I have returned to again and again after a recent incident at the State Fair of Minnesota. As Minnesotans living in the heat of…
Is one really lost if they don’t know they are lost? That is a question I have returned to again and again after a recent incident at the State Fair of Minnesota. As Minnesotans living in the heat of…
From the time they are very young, children often love nothing better than to have a parent read to them. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve heard the same story, if they’re younger than three or four, they want…
I grew up with a brother who was less than two years younger than me. We were raised by our hard working, single mother, along with equally hard working grandparents. I never really remember being taught “manners.” We kinda just…
Good dads are not always tall, handsome, charming, or engaging. Some are short, average looking, quiet and shy. But a good dad always looks like a hero to his children. His super power may be juggling oranges. His cape may…
As a parent, for the most part, we have the ability to help and protect our children as they grow. We can make sure they don’t go running in the streets, stick things in the outlets or consume toxic items.…
Kevin: Over the course of many years of parental investment, I have tried to calculate whether or not my fatherhood has made a difference in the life of my three boys. Being fully aware of all my weaknesses, I have…
A wise man once told me, “…what you practice in moderation, your children will excuse in excess.” That’s a profound declaration, and if we conduct an honest assessment, we will find that it is an unswerving truth. Yet, when you…
I love being a dad! I love the relationship, the love, the hugs, and even the challenge. As the dad of a 10-year-old, I now find myself beginning to reap the fruit and rewards of living out my best to…
I loved my dad. He was so interesting and mysterious. He had adventure in his heart and did things I wanted to do. He had been to places I wanted to see. Stories of his travels had me breathlessly hanging…
There’s so much good information in The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell PhD and John Gray, PhD that we could devote the contents of the Real Good Dads blog to it for the next six months. At the same time,…