There is hardly a person on the planet that doesn’t like the opportunity to play. Of course, the term “play” has varying meanings at varying ages. For instance, play to a two-year-old might mean whacking a bowl with a mixing spoon, while play to a 10-year-old might mean hours of meticulously building multi-thousand-piece Lego lands. A teenager? Often sports come to mind, while in the world of adults – at least for me – it has often meant long motorcycle trips or quietly fishing by the lake. To my wife? Drop her off at any local décor super store and she can happily play all day.
Just how important is play and playing with our kids? I don’t simply mean the battle over “going outside vs. staying inside game,” either. Is it about what our children are playing, or is it more about the fact they are playing and that we, as parents, are encouraging and engaging as well?
I get being a young man who is also a young parent. In the very season of life I was trying to navigate my way through a career path, my wife and I eagerly also brought into the task of navigating the parenting path as well. The trend for “career first, family second” may be on the upswing, but that blueprint never crossed our life desks. We didn’t want to wait for kids, and the kids would have to eat… so, the balancing began. With long days and sometimes long nights of working, just seeing my kids, let alone playing with them, seemed a monumental feat. I learned playtime didn’t have to involve loading up the minivan with a picnic basket and sports’ gear in a run for the local park for an entire afternoon. It’s a great gig if you can make it happen, but when you can’t, there’s hope.

While organized play was a huge part of our boys’ childhoods (and might I add the one non-athlete’s marching band camps and practices rivaled the rigor and fun the two athletes’ baseball, basketball, and football endeavors offered), impromptu play proved to be their favorite. To this day, my grown sons rarely mention a thing about one of the many sporting activities or all-day family play outings, but rather they recall the five-minute, nightly, free-for-alls. They can give a true “play-by-play” about these encounters.
Kids are smart. Kids know. Kids are wise enough to know that sometimes dads work long hours and can’t coach their teams and can’t take an entire afternoon to go to the park. That’s when they’re smart enough to know that those minutes in which a tired, hard-working dad turns into a goofy Godzilla to make brushing teeth and going to bed more fun are some of the most meaningful play dates they will ever have.
For me, the bottom line was that I just wanted to connect with my boys whenever and however I could. In the midst of all this, I learned something very important; the power of play can never be underestimated. Sure, hard work is the foundation of an ethic that can move our kids to success. If you can’t enjoy what you work for and find enjoyment in what your life has to offer, what’s the point?
“If you can’t enjoy what you work for and find enjoyment in what your life has to offer, what’s the point?” – Kevin Weaver
So, my family and I chose to “play” and enjoy this adventure we call life. And, more importantly… we do it whenever possible! Looking back, it is one of most important ingredients to our family bond.

Five Tips for Maximizing Playtime With Your Kids:
- When your kids ask you to play, join them! Even when you’re tired at the end of a long day, do your best to rally and join in, even if only for a few minutes. If they’re in the mood for a rowdy activity and you’re just not up for it, try suggesting an alternative (and lower key) option, such as reading a book aloud or watching a favorite show together.
- Recognize that opportunities to be playful are all around, and that a playful attitude on your part can help lighten the mood and ease tense situations. Some of our favorite memories were made when I assumed the identity of a fictitious character at what might otherwise be a prime time for meltdowns to happen — during the nightly bedtime routine.
- Express an interest in what interests them. When your child gets a new toy or book for their Birthday or Christmas, ask if you can check it out with them! They’ll be thrilled you asked, and excited to show you their new treasure.
- Avoid checking notifications on your phone or smart watch during time you’ve set aside to play. Your child will feel valued when your attention is on them, rather than on a device.
- Think about some fun activities you’d like to do with your kids, and map out when you could make it happen. Have you been wanting to throw a ball around with your kids? Why not set the ball and glove out where you’ll see it after dinner, so you can take ten minutes and play catch in the backyard tomorrow night? Is there a new video game your daughter’s crazy about? Ask her to show you how to play this weekend.