Work-related stress is difficult to manage, especially if you’re feeling burnt out. Researching the problem yourself is an added challenge, and you may find yourself running into dead ends or encountering useless advice from irrelevant sources. We know you have a lot on your plate, and that’s why Good Dads has searched for the best advice on the topic for you. Let’s take a look at three articles with valuable advice on how to manage burnout.
Article 1
An Antidote to Burnout: 5 Reasons You Haven’t Found a Sustainable Pace
By Carey Nieuwhof,
Why We Love It: Self-Reflection, Personal Boundaries, and Energy Management
Carey Nieuwhof, author of At Your Best: How to Get Time, Energy, and Priorities Working in Your Favor, shares his personal struggles with burnout and the five epiphanies that helped him get out of it. In his words, “You can tell yourself it’s a busy season, but if your busy season has no end, it’s not a season—it’s your life.”
1. “You Actually Have the Time”
Think of the most productive person you know. How do they have all the time to get everything done? The fact is, we all have the same 24 hours in the day—time does not discriminate. Changing your mindset from, “I didn’t have time,” to, “I had the time, I just didn’t take it,” can be helpful in increasing your productivity, Nieuwhof writes.
2. “Cooperating With Your Energy Levels Produces Far Greater Results Than Competing With Them”
Arguably more important than time management is energy management, Nieuwhof says. Have you noticed the time of day when you are most energized and get the most done? We may all have the same 24 hours in a day, but not every hour is equal. Nieuwhof describes the green, yellow and red zones of one’s energy levels throughout the day, how to identify your own green zones, and how you can work with your energy levels rather than against them.
3. “You’re Most Likely to Neglect Your Most Important Work”
Think about what you are best at and what comes naturally to you. How much time do you spend on this gift? If you’re feeling burnt out, Nieuwhof says, there’s a chance you are not spending enough time on your gift. You may be using your gift, but you are not taking the time to develop it: a practice Nieuwhof describes as “cheating your gift.”
4. “No One Else Will Ever Ask You to Accomplish your Priorities”
Your top priorities are unique to you. No one is going to be on your case about cleaning out your attic, writing that book or spending time with your family. Nieuwhof recommends identifying your top priorities and setting time aside in your “green zone” to accomplish them.
5. “The Wrong People Always Want Your Time. The Right People Rarely Ask for it.”
The people who deserve your time and energy are the ones that energize you, support you and help you be a better person, Nieuwhof says,and these types of people will rarely ask you for your time. They are the ones who deserve your time and attention.
Nieuwhof makes it sound easy. If you’re struggling with feelings of burnout, your perspective may not be clear, and your priorities may become muddied. Take the time to identify your greatest gifts, reflect on what work you may be procrastinating on and reframe your mindset about “not having enough time.” This will help you get on the right track for finding your own antidotes to burnout.
Article 2
How to Successfully Shift From “Work Mode” to “Family Mode”
Jesse Will,
Why We Love It: Create a Realistic Work-Life Balance to be a More Present Father
After a full day of work, it can be difficult to slip back into the role of a father, especially if you are experiencing stress with your job or if you work from home. In this article, Will discusses ways to help you be more present with your children and how to set healthy boundaries with work and home life.
Will suggests building transitions in throughout your day, which will signify the beginning and end of “work mode.” This transition should be something simple—a 15-minute commute listening to your favorite music or podcast, taking a walk around the block or reading a chapter of a book. Furthermore, establishing a routine for the end of your workday will help you shift your mindset from “work” to “father.”
Read more to learn about the importance of creating a separate workspace, managing distractions, establishing boundaries and being realistic with your work-life balance expectations.
Article 3
How to Deal with Burnout and Feel Less Tired
K.J. McCandless, Men’s
Why We Love It: Identify the Things you Can Control
“Thriving comes with the active pursuit of what makes you you—and sharing that with the world.”
– Best-selling author Eve Rodsky
A whopping 98 percent of burnout blame is on the workplace and is outside of your control, career strategist Stacey Staaterman told Men’s Health. That may sound discouraging, but focusing on the two percent that you can control can make a huge difference. In this article, K.J. McCandles helps you identify what your two percent is. What are your patterns? What is your attitude toward work? Can you say “no”?
McCandles urges readers to focus on what is in their control, take transgressive breaks to restore optimism and divide passions from work. It is possible to feel too great of a sense of purpose or identity with a job, and this can lead to an increased sense of burnout, McCandles writes.
If you are struggling with burnout, read this article to learn how you can thrive without joining the Great Resignation. “Don’t quit. Push back.”
Key Takeaways
These three articles provide valuable insights on workplace burnout—what it is and how to manage it. Burnout is not a symptom of poor work ethic or a character flaw but rather is the result of a series of circumstances that aren’t wholly up to you. Focus on what is in your control and set the necessary boundaries to create a comfortable work-life balance. We encourage you to read these articles for more takeaways and check out our Good Dads blog for more information on work-related stress.
Do you have your own strategies for managing burnout? Share your insight with Good Dads by emailing [email protected].
About the Author
Haley Ford formerly worked as the Communications Assistant at Good Dads. With a background in graphic design, she graduated from Missouri State University with her bachelor’s degree in Public Relations.