Things We Take for Granted
At this time, my wife Elisa is currently on a 15-day mission trip to Uganda and Ethiopia. While she is away, I took some vacation time to stay home with the kids. I must say I am handling my duties…
At this time, my wife Elisa is currently on a 15-day mission trip to Uganda and Ethiopia. While she is away, I took some vacation time to stay home with the kids. I must say I am handling my duties…
There’s so much good information in The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell PhD and John Gray, PhD that we could devote the contents of the Real Good Dads blog to it for the next six months. At the same time,…
There is hardly a person on the planet that doesn’t like the opportunity to play. Of course, the term “play” has varying meanings at varying ages. For instance, play to a two-year-old might mean whacking a bowl with a mixing…
Fall evokes myriad emotions and memories for most people. By the looks of the grocery store aisles, it certainly must evoke all things pumpkin spice. But for many dads, it often brings thoughts of campfires, S’mores, and football . .…
Robert Hullett has been with Prime nearly two years—7 months driving a company truck and more recently, as a lease operator. He currently drives a 2016 Peterbilt and is looking forward to upgrading to a 2019 Peterbilt soon. He drives…
Kevin Weaver (Dad): Recently, my middle son, now a married father of two, as well as an Army infantry officer with the 101st Airborne, sat down and penned some thoughts regarding his upbringing, as well as my involvement in it.…
On the highway of life, there are so many wonderful adventures with our kids. That is, on the metaphorical highway of life. On the literal highway, especially when our kids start sitting behind the wheel of the vehicle we all…
“OK, honey, you’re going to run into the stairs . . . Stop!” “Go ahead; straighten yourself out and let’s back out of the driveway. . . . No, turn the wheel to the right. No I mean to the…
My wife and I teach our kids to do three things with money. We created three money containers for both of our girls that say – GIVE, SAVE, and SPEND. We feel the three lessons below are the foundation of…
If ever a story, a relationship, a social infrastructure, or a magical phenomenon been more under emphasized than the importance of a child’s need for their father’s love and attention, I cannot imagine what it would be! My own experience,…