Three Girls, Three Sports

How many of you are like me?  While growing up you played as many sports as you could—baseball, basketball, football, and even soccer (VERY little)!  I was NOT the best athlete.  There were many of my teammates who did a…

Hard Times—Great Leaders

Wilma Rudolph was 20th of 22 children born into extreme poverty. Glenn Cunningham was severely burned as an 7-year-old in a fire that took his brother’s life. Jim Abbott was born without a hand. What do these folks have in…

The Big Move

​Some families go somewhere on vacation in the summer. Some prefer a “stay-cation.” And some use the precious months of June, July and August to pack up everything they own and move half-way across the country. In last week’s Good…

“Because I Want To”

This was my toddler son’s response to my question about why he had chosen to pee down the heating vent next to the toilet. It wasn’t very reassuring to me, but I’m certain it made a lot of sense to…