Another fantastic cohort of brand-new facilitators for Good Dads classes completed training this week.
Two groups met between Nov. 13 and Nov. 20 to take a deep-dive into the two classes used in the New Pathways for Good Dads program — Good Dads 2.0, our flagship fatherhood skills course, and Within My Reach, a leading healthy relationships curriculum by PREP.
With our increased focus on expansion, Good Dads has been able to reach more dads throughout the state than was previously possible with the hard work and commitment of our class facilitators.
We are so pleased to have 30 new facilitators from across the state learning the best skills and strategies for effectively leading a Good Dads Class. It was a pleasure to host you!
Missouri Represented Communities
- Branson
- Cedar County
- Columbia
- Forestell
- Fulton
- Jefferson City
- Kansas City
- Lebanon
- Mt. Vernon
- Rolla
- Springfield
- Texas County
Our Gratitude To…
- Good Dads Master Facilitators Sally Herman and Janice Reynolds. These effective leaders and their unmatched skills are invaluable to fostering a robust team of high-impact facilitators. Thank you!
- Staff at the Downtown Church for graciously allowing us to use classroom space and coffee. Thank you!
- Harp Creative for their second-to-none production in our latest video supplements for our Good Dads 2.0 course. Thank you!
- Chapter leaders for sending awesome participants to be trained. Thank you!
- Everyone who registered for training and participated in energetic, thought-provoking discussions as we learned together. Thank you!
How to Get Involved
Good Dads hosts multiple training opportunities throughout the year in Missouri. These three-day events supply you with the most powerful strategies to effectively lead a Good Dads class in your community.
Our facilitators lead class in their communities, but more than that, they serve as friends and mentors for dads enrolled in the program. They foster a network of valuable companions as fathers work toward their goals. Anyone passionate about encouraging father engagement has the makings of a stellar facilitator. Stay updated ahead of our next training camp by following Good Dads on social media and subscribing to our weekly e-newsletter (Scroll to the bottom of the webpage to find quick links in the footer!)