The Power of Glove
I believe in the power of a glove. This is not a religious conviction, though Annie Savoy and Joh Kinsella would probably disagree. I hold a simple belief that a glove can make a significant difference in someone’s life. …
I believe in the power of a glove. This is not a religious conviction, though Annie Savoy and Joh Kinsella would probably disagree. I hold a simple belief that a glove can make a significant difference in someone’s life. …
“Ok, time to get in your car seat.” This statement was made in a very even, calm voice. It was not a new demand. In fact, I had said it every day—sometimes three times a day—for the last two years.…
I think most of us recognize that dads are important to their kids, but I don’t think most of us imagine just how critical they are. Recently, I read a new book, The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling…
I was fortunate enough to grow up with a father who was responsible, worked hard, had integrity, and made time for his family. At the time I did not comprehend the intentionality he had to take care of himself so…
My dad is a great storyteller. Always has been, always will be. Add in the fact that I had an extremely active imagination at six-years-old, and it is not a stretch that I truly thought I was going to Hogwarts.…
In 2011, I was tasked with a deployment to Afghanistan. Thankfully, I had a few months’ notice, but my report date hit right before the Christmas holiday. My wife and I tried to soak in as much family time together…
For Josh Keedy, Prime driver and father of four, it all boils down to respect. Self-respect is a big deal for Josh—something reflected in his work as a driver and in his role as a husband and father. This attitude…
How many of you are like me? While growing up you played as many sports as you could—baseball, basketball, football, and even soccer (VERY little)! I was NOT the best athlete. There were many of my teammates who did a…
As the driver of an 18-wheel tanker hauling food grade products, John Ogren is familiar with “surge.” He might be hauling anything from liquid chocolate to grape juice to soybean oil; it doesn’t make much difference when he needs to…
When I recently spoke with the Care Managers at Jordan Valley Clinic about the importance of fathers to children’s health, I was happy to have The Boy Crisis by Dr. Warren Farrell and Dr. John Gray to use as a…